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水曜日 24/05/2017 @ 11:00 - 13:00
ローカル3大料理クラスの作り方を講義形式で習い、豪華なランチで試食! 一回のクラスでシンガポールの3大料理の作り方が習えます。
説明は英語になりますが、日本語レシピをご希望者には配布しております。(日本語通訳が必要な場合は別途有料でお手配させて頂きます。 お問合せ下さい。 info@alchemist.sg)
お値段:S$80++/per person (最少催行人員はこのお値段の場合は4名)。 人数が揃わなくキャンセルの場合は3日前までにご連絡いたします。
プライベートクラスにはお二人でS$300++で実地可能!(プライベートクラスのご相談info@alchemist.sg 。 曜日も選べます。)
1. Herbal Bak Kut Soup(ハーバルバクテースープ)
2. Hainanese Chicken Rice & Chilli.(海南チキンライス)
3. Chilli Crab(チリクラブ)
ーこんな豪華ならランチがついていて、シェフとの対話も楽しく、大変お得なクラスです! 友人にもお勧めします。(2017年3月参加Nさん)
ー手作りのチキンライスがこんなに美味しいとは。 鳥のゆで方も参考になりました。 チリクラブもやお腹いっぱい食べれて幸せなひと時でした。(2017年2月参加Pさん)
1. GENERAL INFORMATION This class is opened for attendees 12 years old and above only. Wine Classes are for attendees who are 18 years old and above only. Spoonful and or its partner will send future class info or promotion info via e-mail to the attendees after the class.
2. RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT You agree to comply with and abide by Spoonful’s safety and health directions, fire and safety regulations. The event organizer “Spoonful (Alchemist Pte Ltd)” and or its Partner is not responsible for any personal food allergy. Each attendee must take his/her own responsibility for any allergy. You will fully and truthfully disclose to Spoonful in writing any allergy, medical condition, pregnancy, dietary requirements or other relevant health information pertaining to you at the time of your booking. Any food that you take away should be stored and consumed strictly in accordance with our instructions and guidelines, and we do not accept any responsibility for any injury or illness resulting from any food taken away.
3. CANCELLATION OF CLASS/EVENT: In the unlikely event that a schedule class or event needs to be cancelled, Spoonful and or its partner will give notification 3 working days prior to the event day, to all the attendees. There will be no refund unless the event itself is cancelled by Spoonful.
4. FORCE MAJEURE: Should Spoonful and or its partner be unable to provide for your class or function due Acts of God or any circumstances beyond the control of Spoonful or Partner, we will not be responsible for any costs, damages or expenses that you may suffer or incur.
5. RIGHT TO REFUSE Spoonful and or its Partner holds the right to refuse an attendee, or request to be removed from the premises, if the instructor or any staff member feels that the attendee is intoxicated or may cause harm to themselves or anyone else attending the scheduled class or event.
6. PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY: Spoonful (Alchemist Pte Ltd) and its partner may take photographic or video images of activities at events for our advertising, publicity or sponsorship purposes. Copyright of photos and videos taken by Spoonful & our partners during the event will belong to us. Please inform us in writing prior to the event, if you do not wish to be included. Failing which you irrevocably waive any and all rights which you may have now or in the future including but without limitation any of your rights under the Copyright Act as may be amended from time to time or any similar laws of any jurisdiction, and acknowledge Spoonful and its partners’ right to use your name, likeness and voice and any biographical details, photographs and recordings of you in all media and formats throughout the universe including but not limited to Spoonful’s website and in advertising, publicity, or sponsorship.