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The Food Bank Singapore での体験ボランティア募集
水曜日 07/03/2018 @ 10:30 - 12:30
食の廃棄問題に取り組むThe Food Bank Singaporeで体験ボランティアをしてみませんか。
今回はThe Food Bank Singaporeの倉庫で寄付された食品を仕分けする作業(仕分け、リスト可、時間があれば配送車への運搬まで)
-he Food Bank Singapore Office at Tanjong Pagarのオフィスで集合します。
– ボランティアの前後で20分間ほど The Food Bank Singaporeが取り組む食の廃棄問題について勉強します。
-参加者*はThe Food Bank Singaporeの倉庫内で、寄付された食品の仕分けや、積み荷を運ぶのを手伝ったもらいます。
NEA(National Environment Agency), Singapore によると2014年のシンガポールでの食の廃棄量は 790,000 トンでした。(Quoted from Channel New Asia, please click their link to know more about the story.)
About The Food Bank Singapore
Probably the first question on your mind right now is “What is a food bank?”
To make it really simple, a food bank is a place where companies or people can come to deposit or donate their unused or unwanted food which will then be collected and allocated to the needy through a network of member beneficiaries such as family service centres, various types of homes, soup kitchens, and other VWOs.
As the price of food continues to rise, many middle to low income families have problems putting food on the table as salaries are not increasing as quickly. Moreover, based on our observation, we do know that there are pockets of unused food within the food industry that can most certainly be put to better use.
Therefore, based on our sincere passion for food, The Food Bank Singapore was set out by Nichol & Nicholas Ng. To find out more about The Food Bank Singapore, simply navigate www.foodbank.sg .
About Spoonful’s Philosophy
Spoonful’s philosophy is “Food For Thought With a Smile “. Through Food & Cooking events, we want the society to pay attention to increase how precious food is and the origins of food. Leveraging on our F&B activities, we would like to increase awareness of people and communities in other part of the world where food is luxury. Let’s change the world from your plate, kitchen and cooking, with us. We would like your culinary journey to start with the planting of seeds until the food is served on your plate. “Creating awareness one spoonful at a time”.
Spoonful is one of the contributor of “The Food Bank Singapore”
Terms & Conditions
-Copyright of photos and video shooting taken by Spoonful (Alchemist Pte Ltd) and its partners during the event will belong to Spoonful. Spoonful has the right to use the photos and video shooting for PR and marketing purpose.
-“Spoonful (Alchemist Pte Ltd)” is not responsible for any accidents and illness caused during the volunteer work. Each attendee must take his/her own responsibility during the volunteer work.
-Spoonful will notify 3 days prior the event day to all the attendees if the volunteer work has to be cancelled.
-This volunteer work is opened only for above 5 years old and above.
-Spoonful will keep sending Spoonful’s PR e-mail to all attendees after the event.