Chef Fabrizio Righi


Chef, Trainer & Educator Fabrizio Righi is a 49-year-old Italian, who has done almost all walks of life and currently resides in Singapore. Coming from an Aristocratic Southern Italy, he attained a Master in Business Administration and could speak almost all of the European Languages. He worked as a representative of Caritas with European Union and United Nations during the period of the wars in Former Yugoslavia, Albania, Kossovo, and the collapse of the Russian Federation. His passion for Italian culture, the classics, and cuisine, learnt from his beloved grandmother Mariastella, helped him keep this passion and teach abroad wherever he worked as a second career, for almost 25 years.

After many years of working across Eurpoe, Chef Fabrizio has made Singapore his second home.  Once settled down, he made it his first career job, with qualifications with the most important institutions here in Singapore, and as a trainer for P.A., and Educator for the Ministry of Education for matters related to Neolatin Languages, Culture, and Italian Cuisine. He collaborated with BBC GoodFood Asian Edition for four years and is the consultant for many companies interested in food and fairs. His cultural cuisine events, corporate events, fine dining, private kitchen, cuisine workshops, group events are famous all over Singapore. Now Fabrizio is happy running his company FABItalia Lifestyle Pte Ltd to share and promote his lovely Country.


FABItalia Lifestyle Pte Ltd