Red Date Jelly Recipe

Recipe from Gold Kili

Traditionally found in Chinese restaurants, red date jelly is a refreshing dessert choice for the health-conscious. With longan and goji berry arranged in a pretty flower pattern and duo coloured jelly, our simple recipe looks fancier than it is to make. Dish it out the next time you have potluck or catering. This homemade dessert will be a bigger hit than regular longan and sea coconut soup.

Ingredients: Jelly layer
 75ml Water
 3 packets Red date tea
 6g Agar powder
 1 Goji berry (per bowl)
 6 slices Lychee (per bowl)

Ingredients: Milk layer
 150ml Lychee syrup
 250ml Milk
 3g Agar powder

Method: Jelly layer
1. Mix 3 packets of red date tea, 6g of agar powder and 75ml of water and bring it to boil for
2 mins
2. Fill only the bottom layer of the bowls
3. Add lychees and goji berries
4. Add the rest of the mixture after jelly is set
5. Wait for it to set in room temperature

Method: Milk layer
1. Mix all ingredients and bring it to boil for 2 mins
2. Pour milk layer onto jelly layer
3. Chill in fridge before serving
Enjoy your jelly!


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